We all have our own, very personal, memories. And which part of those we recognize in our day to day lives is different for each of us. We may have memories of the times when we grew up, yet also memories of ancient, long forgotten times when we were walking a similar path perhaps. Living similar values, even when our lives were vastly different than our current experience ~ there may be that memory that says: “I have done this before”.
The recognition of those memories brings up this one big question: And now what?
Do I want to explore these memories, and if so, do I want to incorporate whatever I find in my day-to-day life as I am living it today? Do I want to reinstate the things I may have learned long ago in precisely the same way as I worked with them the way I remember? Or will I endeavor in bringing all that I have learned forward into this point in time?
There are no wrong answers.
We all choose our own personal paths; we all design our own path leading to the fulfillment of our potential, as we bring our dreams into reality.
For me, the path between my memories and the recognition of those memories has firm roots in shamanism. And I discovered that as I truly listened to those most ancient memories, I recognized more and more their value to this point in time…
For me, for others, and perhaps even for the world.
So I started to write down what I remembered. And I found that as I sat down, the words flowed easily. Conversations, lessons, and poems ~ all with one common thread: the shamanic memories throughout time that I recognized bit by bit, word by word.
I found it gave my personal path through life more direction. I found that the ancient ways to find guidance, still are very valid today.
I found that my innermost desire was to share this path with the world…
So here it is: “The Return of the Shaman”
Available through www.mysticanneclaire.com