Sunday, November 28, 2021

Trust Yourself

One of the most important questions in life is about trust. Who do we trust?

Traditionally those who had a certain level of authority would be trusted, like our parents, our doctor, the major, and yes, the police. And of course the (local) government. They were people who — through their education and life experience had gained a broader level of insight in whatever life could throw our way, and therefore, their opinions, guidance and regulations were trusted as being right. And hence, that guidance was usually followed.

Why would we not follow the advice of a person whom we were confident will know what it is all about? Someone with an education, knowledge, and insight…

In this point in time wee may have a different perspective on that — and yet, there are still people we may trust solely based on their position. Teachers may fall into that category — and doctors. And perhaps even our (local) government.

More often than not are we willing to take their advice — and follow it — without giving it much thought. After all, they are having our best interest at heart, right?

And even when this is true, their idea about what is best and healthy, may not suit us as an individual. This means that if we would follow their advice — given with the best intentions in mind — it may not be beneficial to us…

It is always a good idea to ask ourselves who we trust, and why we trust that person… To give some thought to the advice we are receiving before we decide to either follow it, or to test their “wise words” against our own intuition, wisdom, and what we know to be true about ourselves. To perhaps read up on things online and discover what we didn’t know (yet) about the situation at hand. To find alternative solutions, new possibilities, for a — at least for ourselves — new, and better way of looking at the situation we find ourselves in.

After all, each and every one of us is totally responsible for our own live.

This means that — especially when it is about something important as trust — we no longer place that outside of ourselves, with that well intended teacher, doctor, parents, or government.

It means that we are given the opportunity to learn to trust ourselves.

When we trust ourselves — our own discernment — we will know if a person is trustworthy, or not. We then would listen to the advice and guidance given to us, yet also do our own research, make your own observations, and sense intuitively if something is right for us at this moment…

In other words, while in the past we often trusted others in important situations — guiding our decisions — we may find that at this point in time it becomes more and more important to be entirely confident in our own sense of what is most beneficial to us.

Self confidence.

Sunday, November 14, 2021


Division — literally the act of separating something into parts or groups, or the way that it is separated.

In the world today, we do not have to look far to see division. It can be a division that is caused by different opinions, where each side is getting louder and louder, creating a gap between the two (or more) parts or groups that is getting ever wider… Or a division of action — where one group is going all the way and taking action in order to balance whatever issue is at play, while another group is just giving any possible solution “lip-service”. Or even that more traditional division between the “Have’s” and the “Have-not’s”…

As a lot of those divisions are playing out around us, it seems hard to see where we — as an individual — can make a difference. What can we do to bring a greater balance, or perhaps even close the gap just a tiny bit?


What if we would come from the other direction entirely? What if we, rather than focusing on the divisions in the world around us, would look inside ourselves to bring balance to the divisions we may experience within ourselves?

Things like “I should have reacted differently in that conversation”, or “I don’t know if I am worth it”, “I don’t know if I can do it”, and so on.

Pretty much any statement we may make to ourselves that expresses doubt about ourselves or the things we say, do, or think, to a certain extend creates a division inside ourselves. Even when we do not say it out loud…

Why not give ourselves credit for who we are right now — with the understanding that we are walking a path of growth, that there still is a lot to learn and experience — yet the person we are right now is the best version of ourselves we can muster. So there is no reason to doubt who we are, whether we are good enough, know enough, or do enough as we keep taking steps on our personal paths through life.

When we do give ourselves credit for who we are right now, something wonderful happens!

Bit by bit the division within ourselves get healed. We may find that we become more whole, less scattered in our focus. And as we create a greater wholeness within ourselves, our authenticity starts to shine more and more brightly! And that is a good thing!!

The other thing that may well happen, is that the divisions in our immediate environment start to become less fierce. They may still exist — but then again, there will always be as many opinions as there are people — yet it may no longer be an “either / or” choice that is voiced loudly, or angrily.

So, give int a try!

Monday, November 1, 2021

The two sides of fall

In the cycle of the seasons every season has its own energy. The winter time is one for making plans and creating a structure through which you are most likely to make your goals come true over the next series of seasons. Then with spring we tend to set everything in motion… As if we give ourselves and our lives a big push forward. In summer we keep working towards our goals — and as the goals in front of us may become more clear, we may fine tune our activities in order to reach them. Then with fall the time of the harvest is upon us. Often it is the time in which we can give ourselves a pat on the back, celebrating a job well done as we have reached our goals.

And then, about half way through fall, something happens that signifies a decided shift in energy…

From the busy time of the harvest, there is a change into a much calmer, even quieter energy.

This happens at the time of the Celtic beginning of winter, at November 1st.

For them, this was an auspicious time, as they felt it was a moment when the veils were thin, and therefore the division between the physical world and the non-physical world was not as strong, or definite…

For us, in today’s energy, it is a good time to be thankful for all that we have accomplished over the past year. And perhaps just as important, to take stock of what our lives look like…

To see the everything about our lives that is important to us, our priorities, where we spend our time and energy, and so on — and then to decide whether that still feels right to us, or if we wish to change things. Release the things that no longer serve us, and perhaps bring into our lives the things we wish for…

In that sense, the “other” side of fall becomes a preparation for the winter energy, in which we create the space in which new ideas and plans can flourish. A space in which — when the time comes — our resolutions for our next pass through the cycle of the seasons can take hold, and be manifested as we bring them from winter, through spring, summer, and into fall.

And from that perspective one can say that with the Celtic beginning of winter, we are truly standing on the threshold of a new cycle through the seasons…

Use it well !!