Sunday, February 20, 2022

Shifting our Intentions

In our day-to-day lives we do any number of things “that just need to be done”. Some of them are chores, while others may be task-, work- or job-related. And then there are those things that have to do with self-care — with taking enough time to do those things for ourselves that allow us to recharge, and stay healthy.

Often our manner of handling these things is the quickest, most efficient way that we have found through our experiences. Even our “me-time” is chosen to give the best results in the time we have permitted ourselves…

It makes me think…

What would happen if we would shift our intentions just a little bit? If we would find ourselves doing all the same things we have always done from an ever so slightly different perspective?

For instance, instead of having our focus on “preparing a healthy meal”, letting our intention be something like “Preparing a meal made with love, and having fun doing it”?

Chances are that meal will taste different, probably even better.

It seems like shifting our intentions, especially with the most common every-day tasks we do, can lead to surprising results…

We all have moments we look at ourselves in the mirror… For instance during our morning ritual of getting up, or when we retire in the evening. 

If we would shift our intentions in those moments from checking our appearance, to truly seeing ourselves — looking ourselves in the eyes, and seeing ourselves beyond our appearance…after all, the eyes are the window to the soul. What would we see?

If we would permit ourselves to become quiet and to drop into a meditative state while connecting with ourselves as we see ourselves in the mirror, we can even ask ourselves a question or two…

And we may be surprised by who we are looking at. Almost always seeing ourselves through new eyes will help us discover new aspects of ourselves, a greater wisdom, and a great deal more life experience than we give ourselves credit for…

Needless to say that we can choose to shift our intentions just a tiny bit with pretty much everything we are doing — just as a fun thing, to see what happens. To observe the changes in our experience…

If we are willing to surprise ourselves this way, there are a couple of side effects… First, we are more in the moment. Second, it will raise our awareness. And last, but certainly not least, it will give you new insights as to who you truly are…

Monday, February 7, 2022

Body and Light body are wholly one…

You are sitting in a cave. There is not a lot of light that comes into the cave through the small entrance, yet as soon as your eyes are used to the absence of light, the darkness disappears. You find it is quite easy now to look around in this cave. Its sides are smooth and dry. Further down the cave is an indentation in the floor that might have held water some time long ago. You feel safe and at peace in this cave…

Your mind seems to move up just a little bit, and you become aware of a sense of wholeness and wellbeing inside yourself, and all around you. You notice how this sense of wholeness and wellbeing influences your physical body — your bones, your muscles, your organs, your nerves… It touches your entire system, and your body seems to radiate as a result. 

Your heart is beating its steady rhythm and your breathing starts to slow down as soon as you focus on this sense of wholeness and wellbeing that seems to envelope you as a cocoon. Your may ask yourself where this is coming from, and with that, your mind moves up just a bit further as it keeps it focus on your physical body. Your mind quietly observes your physical body.

You feel the energy change as you become aware of another Being. It is light. It is whole. It is you… The cave seems to fall away — just its protection and the sense of wholeness and wellbeing stay with you, and you permit your Light Being and your physical self to step away form each other. Your Light Being turns around such that your Light body and your physical self are opposite each other, and when your physical eyes meet the eyes of this Light Being, you instantly recognize your true self… You realize that your Light Being is your reality, and your physical body is the “vehicle” through which your Light Being can exist in the material world. Just as your Light Being is needed by your physical self as it is a compass that shows you true north…

Your physical self now asks your Light self about your unique, personal path that you are walking in a changing material world… And the Light Being, your true self, answers:

Know that your energy is entirely yours. You can use it whenever and wherever you wish, for whatever is needed. In order to do this most effectively, it is good to bring your physical self and your reality self, the Light self, together as one. To honor it, and respect it. To feed it, and care for it. To be kind to yourself, to take time to smell the roses, and to let your reality shine through you. To be aware and willing to accept as to what your Light self is whispering in your ear…

Your physical self now ask how you can bring your Light Being and your physical body together in wholeness — as one…

In the space between your physical body and your Light Being the energy begins to move. A color is emanated from your physical body, and your Light body radiates a color as well. These two colors start to weave together, almost as if they are dancing. They mix and merge, and finally become a third color. This third color then comes together in a ball of colored light. In this sphere of colored light, a symbol appears. You notice how it is drawn, line by line. When it is finished, the symbol begins to move. As you observe the symbol moving within the sphere of colored light, you realize that this is your energy. You are being shown the pattern and the rhythm of your energy. It has color and movement, and it is yours to use…

Your physical self and your Light self both stretch out their hands, and when they touch it is the start of a spiraling movement. Around and around… you are moving ever higher, yet in the same movement you are also moving lower and lower… You stretch out, and yet you come together. You become one. You are one. You are… One… One… One…

Slowly you become aware again your surroundings. The cave, the flat stone you are sitting upon. You take a deep breath, and you know something has changed. It is a good change. Your physical body and your Light body are one. You feel safe and at peace. You remember the symbol and the color of the sphere, and as soon as you recall those, a sense of wholeness washes over you…

You take another deep breath, then you get up and move out of the cave and into the light of the sun.