Tuesday, February 16, 2021

The Dragon’s Den

Find yourself a place where you can sit comfortably for a bit, and come with me on a journey of discovery. A visualization. A journey in your mind’s eye. Feel anticipation building around you, as you start walking along a path through a valley. Tall mountain peaks are towering over you in all their majesty, but the valley is flat and wide. It is easy to follow the path, and you enjoy the warmth of the sun, the clear air, and the feeling of nature all around you. And as the path moves slowly upward you have a sense that nature's eyes are following your every step...

Then the path makes a bend to the right and suddenly you find yourself standing in front of a castle. This castle has old, thick, strong walls. It has towers and turrets. Through big, open doors you can see inside. This castle feels safe and welcoming.

As you step through the doors you hear soft music from somewhere inside the castle. It seems to be an ancient melody — almost ethereal.

You start following this music, curious where it is coming from. You walk through a long corridor, and although it seems fairly dark when you look ahead, with each step you can see more clearly. There seems to be a light that surrounds you. A light that radiates from you. Wherever you go in this castle, the light goes with you. It allows you to clearly see what is there. And you notice now, that there are rooms on either side of this corridor. Some of the doors may be open, while others are closed. 

And when you feel you want to look in one of these rooms, you will find that the door opens easily. And the light goes with you, so you can see clearly whatever is in the room behind the door. And you take your time observing what is there. What does the room look like? What is its shape? Does the room have high ceilings?  How is the room furnished?  Are there cupboards in this room, or maybe a chest?  You may want to have a look what is inside the cupboard. Does the room have windows? What do you see, when you look through them?

And when you have seen everything there is to  see in this room, you return to the corridor and once again you follow the soft melody. You notice now that the corridor seems to go down, and that the music seems to be louder the further you go. And you move on...

Finally you come to a stairwell. In the light that radiates from you, you can clearly see sturdy, brick steps that are leading downward. This is where the ancient music seems to be coming from. And slowly you descend the steps — one by one. And with each step you take the beautiful, ancient music grows stronger in your ears. And the light that radiates from you ensures that you can see clearly.

At the bottom of the stairs is a door. You observe this door... You look at the well preserved wood, the pattern of the huge metal hinges that hold the door in place. You are certain now that the music is coming from behind this door. And when you carefully touch the door, it slowly swings open.

There is a faint glow coming from the room behind it, filled with a diffuse light that has no obvious point of origin. But as you step through the doorway, this light that lights the room seems to connect with the light that is radiating from you.

The room is filled with the music you have been following all along. and you listen to the melody that has led you here. In reality it doesn't look as much as a room, but more like a cave. And everywhere you look there are treasures. You look at them as you wander through this cave-like room. There are crystals... gold... silver... jewels... But also maps... and books... You take it al in. Every once in a while you pick something up and examine it. Noticing it feels vaguely familiar. 

And as you are pondering this treasure, a voice bids you welcome. This, the voice says, is your potential. Old potential that has blossomed already, and new potential. Still only seeds waiting to be sown…

As you look around where the voice is coming from the voice says: “I am the Guardian of your Treasure, of your Potential…"

You turn around now, and find yourself standing face to face with the Guardian of your potential. The creature is huge. It has recognized your light when it connected with its light, and it is friendly, protective even. 

You observe this winged creature. Its friendly eyes. Its somewhat fiery breath. You look at its color, its shape, and finally at the nest it is sitting on. There are eggs in the nest. And although you may not exactly know what will hatch from those eggs, you know with a certainty that it is your potential. New, greater potential than you have ever imagined. 

And the Dragon reaches in the nest and hands you one of the eggs. It fits perfectly in the palm of your hand, and as you are holding it you become totally aware of it. How it feels, the joy it brings, the rewards it holds, and the fulfillment as it blossoms. And the Dragon tells you to take this egg with you. To hold it. To care for it. To let it hatch... 

To bring this new potential into your awareness, and into your life.

Then he leads you to a door at the end of the cave room and he bids you goodbye. And as the door closes behind you, the beautiful, ethereal, ancient music stays with you in your mind, and in your heart. 

Ahead of you is again the path that leads you through the valley. And you follow the path back, while you are totally aware of your new potential — of the unhatched egg the Dragon has given you. You look at it. You hold it up to the sun, and when you do that, new ideas begin to come to your awareness. You become aware of new goals to be reached — greater than you ever thought possible...

Then the path ends and you are back where you started this journey…

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

What Just Happened?

Do you recognize that oftentimes somewhat unwelcome surprise when you thought things were going so well — and then suddenly the entire situation turns on a dime? And then you find yourself in a position in which it seems you will have to start the whole process all over again in order for you to accomplish whatever it is you set out to do…

And you have that one thought… 

What Just Happened?

And whether it is something that abruptly changed in the world around us — in our environments — or rather something that changed within ourselves — like a change of mind, or a change of heart — the result is that we find that the path we had chosen to get where we wanted to go has unexpectedly changed. It no longer leads us through familiar territory, or a known series of events.

It suddenly has detours and roadblocks that are nudging us into new directions. Pushing us to find new ways to achieve our goals.

For all of our efforts, the way we have always got the job done doesn’t work anymore for us…

What Just Happened?

There seem to be many instances in the world — and in our lives — today where this is true. Circumstances demand from us that we become more flexible and handle changes in our environments  in general — and in our lives in particular — in a more graceful manner.

It can be finding the goodness in working from home during a lockdown. Or coming up with new ways to recharge ourselves now that travel is all but impossible. Or even finding new ways to get together…

Almost every time the answer to the question “What just happened?” is that the Universe is telling us that there is a better way to do things.

This can be a better way to achieve existing goals, yet it can also mean that it is time to reevaluate your goals and see whether the goal you are working towards is still that which you truly wish to accomplish.

It may sound funny, but in a lot of cases that is not true anymore…

Somewhere along the line we may have realized that this goal that we are working so hard to achieve is no longere that important to us. Perhaps because it never was “our” goal to start with — but rather a goal we were told while growing up that it was something that was important to achieve in life. On the other hand, even if at some point in our life that goal was important to us, we may have found that there are better, or more fun, more productive, more adventurous ways to spend our time and energy…

Either way we may ask ourselves why we would still work toward a goal that has lost its importance — even its brilliance — to us…

In the energy we are living in today, that is often the point where in one way or another the Universe steps in and changes the circumstances.

That is what just happened.

So run with the opportunities this is giving you!