Monday, March 30, 2020

What is this situation trying to tell me?

Through a personal message on Facebook last week, I received the following request:

“Now that you have ‘liked’ my picture, you are obligated to post an old picture of yourself accompanied by the mention of the year it was taken. Just because then we are not continuously talking about that f***ing virus…”

The message gave me pause to think about what it said.  

On one hand I feel it is a very good idea to get involved with something different than the Corona virus and its effects. On the other hand I do realize that this whole situation is giving me the opportunity to actually see what it is telling me on a personal level. In other words, I find myself looking for a productive message this situation is giving me. And I have been doing this every day, just as I do a healing meditation every day for the world — for all that are affected by this situation in any way, shape or form.
I find it is a path that I am walking step by step.

Pretty soon it became clear to me that this is a very confrontational path. And while my life has not changed much with the “shelter in place” ordinance — I always work at home, and I often am alone — I find that in this situation I cannot walk away from what my inner self is whispering anymore.

It means that I find myself being brutally honest as I observe who I am, where I am standing, and what my needs and desires, what my wishes and my expectations truly are. And also looking at my work, what I have to offer, and how I can create opportunities to meet the right people…

The first thing that happened was that I felt a sense of empowerment and discernment, which in turn caused me to consciously step back from other people’s expectations, and gave me a fresh look at the obligations I have taken on.
The next thing was kind of like a spring cleaning, and then started doing those things I had wanted to do for a while, yet never got around to actually doing them as they didn’t seem that urgent at the time…

The result was a giant sense of relief! It gave me an enormous sense of space and energy — greater than I would ever have imagined! And this enables me to make those difficult decisions. To be discerning. To be very clear about my priorities. It means I am taking the initiative and find myself making plans again.

And it makes me increasingly aware that we all create our own personal world through the decisions we make…

If I then look at the current pandemic, at the Corona virus and its possible effects, it is abundantly clear — especially when they hit you on a personal level as far as health is concerned — that they are horrible! Especially for the elderly and the most vulnerable people in our society.

The way it seems at this point is that young people — children — can be infected by the Corona virus, yet most of them hardly feel sick when they have Covid-19. So what do they have that us adults have lost along the way? Is it their open-mindedness? Their sense of trust? Their attitude that approaches every day as a new adventure?

So here is my picture, 1964.

And no, nobody is obligated in any way, shape or form to post anything when you like this. Yet if you are up for a  challenge, observe what this situation has to tell you on a personal level…


Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Inner Guidance Signals Change

When Inner Guidance Signals, Change Is Needed On Your Path...

Somewhere between memories and recognition is a path. This path usually has many twists and turns, and every time you think you have figured out where it is leading you, it throws you for a loop by uncovering new landscapes, new people to meet, and new potentials to explore.

We all have our own, very personal, memories. And which part of those we recognize in our day to day lives is different for each of us. We may have memories of the times when we grew up, yet also memories of ancient, long forgotten times when we were walking a similar path perhaps. Living similar values, even when our lives then were vastly different than our current experience ~ there may be that memory that says: “I have done this before”.

These moments, where we have this sense of “having done this before”, often point to talents or abilities we have yet to use in our lives. Things that we are strangely familiar with, even though we haven’t had an interest in exploring them before.

When we start recognizing those memories, suddenly we may become aware of any number of questions may float to the surface of our consciousness: “Do I want to explore these memories at all? And if so, do I want to incorporate whatever I find in my day-to-day life, as I am living it today? Do I want to reinstate the things I may have learned long ago in precisely the same manner as I sensed in that memory? Or will I try and bring all that I have learned before, forward into this point in time? Finding new ways to explore this new-found interest.”

There are no wrong answers. 
We all choose our own personal paths. As we bring our dreams into reality, we all design our own unique paths in such a way that it will  lead us to a point of fulfillment.

As we choose the direction we want to take in life, making decisions that we feel are the best in any particular situation we encounter, we create a life for ourselves that will give us what we wish to gain from it. In other words, we will make decisions based on our overall priorities. Based on what is most important to us, at that moment.

Yet as life goes on, our priorities change.
Where we may have thought at one point in time, that a certain lifestyle was absolutely necessary in order to live a successful life, there might be a time when we find that success to us is not measured in the way we thought it was.

It is at those moments in life that the memories of long forgotten times can come to us, unbidden. Perhaps in dreams, or in meditations. Or just a thought coming to mind, out of nowhere.

When they do, they are always signaling that it is time to change direction. Time to re-evaluate our priorities. To have a close and honest look at what is truly important to us.
And while we may find ourselves making a 180 degree turn, more likely we will adapt our lives to a point where we find time to explore new talents and abilities. Independent of whether our particular interest coincides with the memories we received.

Bit by bit we may find that between those memories and the recognition of what they have to tell us is a path that we, up to that point, never knew existed. A path that we may find is vastly more rewarding than we ever thought it could be.
Step by step this path can bring us ever closer to our authentic selves, bringing happiness and fulfillment into our lives. And above all, a sense of belonging.