Monday, May 18, 2020


It seems like we have gotten used to the fact that most of the news we see, hear or read is negative - that only the things that go wrong in the world are important enough to be mentioned… This also carries an aspect of comfort with it, as often the things that go wrong in the world are way bigger than our personal lives. It is almost an invitation to vent our frustrations about it, and point to the “culprit”. It is not our fault, so let’s not look at our own lives - or even at how we as a person can become part of a solution.
Bit by bite have created a more negative way of thinking, a more negative manner of (in)action for ourselves. We have put our focus on all the things that cannot happen. On the things we cannot do. On the things we are not allowed to do. On the things that are wrong, and on and on…

And then the Corona virus came about.

Pretty quickly “social distancing” and “shelter in place” became the rule. And with it came a lot of things that were no longer allowed. Like sporting events, festivals, even our holidays are either not happening or discouraged. Just like - at this time in the Netherlands - going to a restaurant, or having a drink in your favorite coffee shop.
It is a chorus of all the things we are not allowed to do anymore, rather than the solution-oriented “wash your hands often”.

Yet as we keep placing this situation in a negative context, we do run the risk of feeling blocked within our own energy - limited by our own thinking. That means this a great time to start pondering the “Dutch art of Flip-Thinking”:

“Omdenken” - The Dutch Art of Flip-Thinking, is transforming problems into opportunities. With this way of thinking you look at reality the way it is, and you focus on what you can do with it. You use the problem’s energy to create something new.

This may mean that you purposefully start looking at the positive sides of the situation we are living in at the moment. For instance, no traffic jams on our way to work, as most of us are working from home. Or undertaking more activities with our families. Or the fact that we may be in touch with others more often - albeit digitally - just to check in on how they are holding up. Or because we finally are giving ourselves permission to do something creative…

In other words, being determined to find those aspects of the situation that we feel have a positive effect on our own lives. Taking stock of our lives in order to see what is truly important to us. And perhaps to discover that we may have been doing things along the way that are not really enhancing our lives in any way, shape, or form.
Looking at our own, personal lives in this manner, we may find ourselves making those decisions we have been pushing off for a while now. And having made those decisions, we may even find that they will have a positive effect on our lives… Independent from the situation instigated by the Corona virus.

“Flip-Thinking” is a way in which we can take back the direction over our lives. Not because we are not following the rules, but rather by having respect for ourselves and others.
By trusting the fact that we can create a most wonderful life for ourselves - and will do exactly that!