Whether you look at the traffic around you when you are going some place; or just watch the news on TV ~ it seems like everybody reacts somewhat ‘over-assertive’ to whatever is happening around them.
And I have to admit; I find myself on edge as well.
Sometimes I even think it is something in the weather, a change in the energies around us that we ~ consciously or subconsciously ~ react to. And suddenly all the things that we had organized so nicely, everything that should work so well, appears to get a life all its own...
And pretty soon our timing is off.
Chores that normally take us only a couple of minutes to do, now take us half an hour. Which makes us late for an appointment, so we have to rush through traffic ~ and while we might normally find we get where we need to go before the rush hour traffic, now we get trapped in heavy traffic. Making us even later for that appointment. When we finally get there, there is no parking place to be found close to the entrance; and when we find ourselves a parking place on the other side of the lot, it starts raining. Umbrella in one hand, purse in the other we dash into the place ~ only to find out we are the first to arrive anyway.
This then, instead of making us feel good that we at least made it in time ~ sort of ~ can put us even further on edge. After all, we have really tried our very best, rushed through traffic, dashed over the parking lot ~ only to find that whoever we have that appointment with is late.
How dare they! Don’t they know what you have been going through to get here in time ~ sort of?
As it turns out ~ no they don’t know that.
And they may have an equally ‘on edge’ start of their day...
Probably the best thing to do at this point is to sit down for a moment and take a deep breath. To get centered. To step back from how we got here and move to the point where we can happily say to ourselves: “Made it!!”
It is easy in the energy of this point in time to get ‘on edge’. But rather than snapping at everybody around us who — whether they are or not — at least seem to be in our way; we would do ourselves an enormous favor if we just took a couple of deep breaths…
And then laugh about it…
First published in 2012