Omens bring to our attention something that is important in our lives. This can be something that is about to happen — sort of like a “heads up” — or it can be something that may have been in the back of our mind for a while without truly getting our attention enough so we can act upon it, or do something about it.
Often, we can look back after something has happened in our lives and see the omens we were given ahead of time — that we didn’t pay attention to as, at that time, it never occurred to us that it would have any kind of priority.
At that moment, we may even tell ourselves that 20/20 hindsight is so clear, if only we had been paying attention…
In reality there are omens in our lives every day and in pretty much any situation we are finding ourselves in. And yes, they can be of great help to us as we are living our day-to-day lives, as long as we recognize them for what they are… Messages from the unseen that connect in our subconscious in a meaningful manner.
This means that omens are intensely personal, not only from the perspective of what is an omen for an individual, but also in the way it is interpreted.
As a rule of thumb, whenever something happens, no matter how simple it is, whether it is an every day occurrence or something you have never seen before; if it grabs your attention, if it stops you in your tracks, or just gives you food for thought, chances are it is an omen.
When you write down what just happened, and write above it your first association with each word or concept outside of the storyline of what just happened.
The associations will then give you an indication as to what the omen may be about.
So, why would we pay attention to omens as we are living our busy every day lives? It seems like it is just one more thing to do — and on top of that, the messages they give take time to discover. Why take that time?
Well, first and foremost, whether we do take time to register and decipher the omens we come across on our paths, absolutely is a personal, free will choice. And sometimes we may be more apt to do it than at other times.
However, registering that “heads up” signal may be quite beneficial to us…
We are living in a time in which it is ever more important to live our lives according to our own values. Therefore it is important to know where we stand, what is important to us, what makes us happy — and then make our choices in a way that we can expand those things in our lives.
We can still do the things we have always done — but the moment there is this tiny thought that says, “I truly don’t want to do this…” for whatever the reason, that, in a sense is an omen! And if we pay attention to that omen, we may discover a better way to go about what we are doing, or perhaps we find that there is no reason to keep doing those things, just because we have always done them…
As we pay attention to the omens on our path, it will give us the opportunity to change our lives for the better in a very gentle manner.
Give it a try!