Tuesday, May 24, 2022


The memories we have of facts and figures, of situations, things we have learned along the way — whether we have just a sense of recall of them or truly can remember every last little bit of detail about what happened — pretty much have entered our memory through the conscious path. In other words, as we experienced it, it became part of our short term memory — and after that, either because the event was important to us, or because we put effort into it (like learning things at school which you may have done through repeating the very things that you needed to remember) they have found their way into your long term memory...

Yet, for pretty much everybody there seem to be memories — things you seem to clearly remember — of situations or events that you have not physically experienced during your life.

For instance the sense you may get of ‘having been there before’ while, from a factual perspective you arrive there for the very first time in your life. Or a clear memory of a situation that took place in a different time, and perhaps even on a different continent...

These type of things would indicate that we remember things across time and space. Or do they?

Some people may say that what we ‘remember’ are no actual memories, but more things that for one reason or another ‘we tune into’. We tune ourselves to a certain frequency, a certain field of energy perhaps, where images of some past event become available to us.

This brings up the question how those images — the knowledge of past events — are being kept in that particular place, that specific energy.

From that perspective it seems that humanity is not the only one to have a memory. Somehow important events appear to be kept in the memory of the place where they took place. Like an energy imprint. 

The manner in which we gain access to these energy imprints is through meditation — through our sensory awareness.

This may even mean that a place is just a place we may even have visited it many times before — until that time that there is something in the atmosphere… a scent, a certain color of the light, a stillness… Or sometimes even a specific sound that puts us into the state of mind where we can remember whatever it is that is held in the energy imprint of that place…

And with the veils between “here” and “there”, between “then” and “now”, getting thinner to the point of almost disappearing, we may receive these kind of memories more often and wit greater ease.

In other words through a sensory trigger we may suddenly remember things across time and space.

It is important however, to realize that those memories may or may not be our own... And yet, somehow those memories have value on our path through life right now — otherwise, chances are we would not have tuned in to those memories…

Therefore, the truly interesting questions are… 

  • What can I learn from this memory, this energy? 
  • What does it show me that is pertinent to this point in time?
  • How can having remembered those memories help me on my path right now?

Adapted from the original post, published in September 2012

Sunday, May 15, 2022

Living your life your way and taking the responsibility for it

The better we get to know ourselves, then more aware we become of the things that are truly important to us. We know our needs, as well as our wishes and desires… When that happens, we can — bit by bit— shape and mold our lives in a way where the things that are important to us can be expressed more fully. 

As we do, chances are that our needs are met just that much easier. 

In a sense it may seem like living life becomes a smooth flow.

This does not mean — unfortunately — that there will never be any challenges, or difficulties in our lives as we are walking our personal path. Those are called “growth opportunities”, as often, when we overcome them, we are richer for it. Not rich in a monetary sense, but rather from an experiential perspective.

To a certain extend, these things are sort of expected to happen. Especially when you find yourself on a personal path through life that is spiritual in nature, where you are purposely taking steps to get to know yourself ever better in order to gain an ever greater ability to express your true self. Your core self.

What may come as somewhat of a surprise is that when we choose a path like that, we also become more self-reliant. Perhaps also more of our own best friend. It is not that we would not enjoy other people around us, but somehow we feel more and more comfortable hanging out with ourselves. 

Enjoying some quiet time. Sensing that special quality in the air, just before a thunderstorm breaks. Finding joy in dancing in the rain, shouting to the wind, and being touched by the warmth of the sun. Being in awe when you find yourself in the right place at the right time, to have just that once in a lifetime opportunity be handed to you…

Another aspect that may come as a side effect to having a lifestyle like this, is that it may become easier to respect yourself, and when you do, to respect others. To give other people the breathing space you like to have, in which they can live their life the way they see fit.

Without the need for anyone to interfere, pass judgement, tell them how they can be better at what they do, or start making decisions for them — just to help out…

Yes, it may seem that when you seek to know yourself and to live your life your way — and to take that as the entire package, responsibilities and joys, obligations and seeing your wishes and desires fulfilled — you would need to take a step back from a society in which so many people — on so many levels — are continually interfering with other peoples lives. 

Becoming more of an observer. 

To then continue walking your walk through life. Your way.