Sunday, July 24, 2022

What we know to be true vs what we believe to be true

We may know that we are good, productive, kind, loving, honest, respectful people who can take care of ourselves. We may be aware that there might be situations that can be more challenging than others  yet on the whole we will get by just fine!

At the same time we may believe that we are “stupid” because it took us a little longer to learn to read when we were 6 or 7 years old. We may believe that we are “no-good people”, because we didn’t fit in very well when we grew up. We may even have come to the conclusion on a deep inner level that love hurts, that those who are less than honest and trick the system of society get further in life; or that respect is a fear-based sentiment...

These believes more often than not are things we were told by others, or shown by others when we grew up. And when we are told something over and over and over again, chances are that — at least on some level — we start believing it to be true.

So we may end up having two, completely different perspectives on who we are, on our abilities.

And where what we know to be true is stored in our ratio — in our logical, conscious mind. What we believe to be true is stored in our subconscious mind, the mind of our dreams — the mind that takes over the moment we are not consciously thinking about something.

The result is that, unless we consciously decide to do so, the things we believe to be true are never measured against the things we know to be true. This then, can put us in a situation where we are totally “with it” when we are logically, consciously presenting ourselves — yet as soon as we direct our focus elsewhere we start projecting the subconscious picture of ourselves that we, on that deep inner level, believe to be true...

A duality like that can well become a major obstacle on our personal path, a definite challenge in our day-to-day lives.

For many people the answer to just one question, when answered with absolute honesty, is enough to help them become aware of a ‘knowing vs believing challenge’ in their lives:

“I know I can do that. Do I believe I can do that?”

Others may want to get help from a coach or healer specializing in bringing what you believe to be true closer to what you know to be true.

Either way, the closer what you know to be true and what you believe to be true are to one another — the easier live gets to be!

First published March 1, 2011

Monday, July 11, 2022


Picture: The Shaman’s Dream Oracle

It seems like we are getting messages all the time. Whether it is digitally, through reading something in the newspapers, our from a more spiritual perspective — messages are sent to us in a sheer unending stream.

How we react to these messages and what we do with the information they present is up to us. 

Somehow though, when the same — or very similar — message suddenly pops up coming from different sources, I have a tendency to pay attention to what the message is…

The message I received was on the importance of keeping a clean house. And it first came when we did some work on our (actual) house that required a painting to be taken down from the wall. It was immediately apparent that some cleaning was in order. Yet pretty soon after that I had a dream that indicated “cleaning house” is a good thing at this point in time. And finally, I pulled the card “A Tidy House” from “The Shaman’s Dream oracle”.

Now, granted, getting rid of some dust and keeping the house clean is something that needs to be done somewhat regularly. Yet it seems there was more to the message…

From a symbolic perspective, a house signifies the mind. So when a house — any house — appears in our dreams, meditations, or when using an oracle deck, its message will have to do with our mind. Our thinking, and yes, our attitudes and even our opinions.

Looking at the message this way, I took it to be an invitation to do a mediation and check out what “my house” — the house that would show up and take form in my meditation — looks like. And perhaps even more importantly, what I am storing in “my house”…

Am I still holding on to boxes full of old beliefs and outdated perspectives in the basement? Perhaps it is time then, to toss those out! As well as cleaning the cobwebs and dust, clearing out things I may have been raised with, yet they never rang true to me…

In a sense I have found that I benefit from revisiting “my house” on a regular basis (in meditation) just to see what is there and to air it out. To get some fresh air in the rooms, perhaps even paint the walls a different color.

That way, “my house” has plenty of space to embrace new concepts, new ideas, new opportunities and adventures.

And if “my house” is clean and clear and ready for new things to come into it — chances are, my mind will be open to new adventures as well!

When the same message comes into our lives repeatedly, following up on them can be quite helpful. Or at least that is what I have found…

You can get the guided meditation (and more), 

as well as an explanation, here…