Standing up for what we believe in sounds a lot simpler than is usually turns out to be, because in order to do so, we need to have a clear and succinct idea on where we stand on any issue before us. It is easy to protest something we don’t agree with, yet it is a lot harder to define what we believe in where the particular issue is concerned.
In other words, an attitude that says: “No-one is going to tell me what to do…” signals that we can take care of ourselves, and we don’t need any help from others, no matter how well intended that help is.
When this attitude leads to actively protesting guidelines or even laws because they would “tell us what to do”, it also shows a certain amount of self centeredness.
It suggests a belief system that says that our right to make our own choices — whatever the cost — is more important than the health and prosperity, or perhaps just the “peace of mind” within the community that we are part of.
When we find ourselves in a situation that we are feeling so strongly about, one way or the other, that we are ready to protest the situation, it could be a good time to step back and ask ourselves the question why we are feeling this way… And to take a little time to look at the things we truly believe in.
Do we believe we are that the only person that matters? That our perspectives, our personal truth is so important that it should be imposed on everybody else?
Or do we believe in a sense of community where we — within the bounds of everyone’s autonomy — look out for one another? Where we are willing to follow the guidelines — even when we are not totally agreeing with them — for the greater good of the community?
Either perspective requires that we start defining what we believe in, and how we are going to live our lives accordingly. Either perspective requires thought, and even foresight as to the consequences our subsequent lifestyle would have. For ourselves as well as for those around us.
In this point in time where everything we know and hold dear seems to be in flux, where more and more changes are totally out of our control because of their nature — for instance them being instigated by nature — it seems like all that is left for us to do is to loudly protest that which we disagree with. To make ourselves heard.
And in a lot of ways, this is a good thing.
As long as we don’t loose sight of the things we truly believe in. As long as we still live our lives according to those perspectives that are truly important to us…
If ever there has been a time to stand up for what we believe in, it is now…
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