To me, the most dramatic change in the seasons is when summer turns to fall. And this doesn’t always happen right on the equinox — it usually happens as the weather changes... And suddenly it is time to close the windows that were open all summer long. The front door, opened every morning from Spring, all through the Summer to let in some fresh, cool air — stays closed. Outside the wind and rain spell it out: fall has arrived!
And with the cold fall weather, the rapidly shortening of the days — the trees are losing their leaves and are preparing for winter.
Inside, I have turned the heater back on, and I comfortably settle in for the colder days to come through fall and winter
But what really brings it home to me that the weather indeed has turned, and that fall is here to stay — is to find my cats indoors — having hardly any desire at all to go outside. Even the big black cat who usually prefers the freedom of the outdoors is curled up on the couch — softly snoring...
Summer most definitely is over.
This doesn’t mean that there aren’t any beautiful days left. Quite the opposite is true! Going out on a beautiful fall day, the temperatures can be comfortable, warm even. We may find that in nature the air is filled with all kinds of scents — and the leaves turning their colors are a sight to behold.
Fall — traditionally the season of the harvest — is also the season of ‘letting go’.
The same way the trees are letting go of their leaves in a final rush of awesome beauty, the dry summer weather lets go to make place for a colder, more moist environment — although there are also places where the opposite happens and the summer rains disappear in order for the cooler, dryer fall weather to emerge.
Yet, any way you look at it — it is a time to let go of the things that have been going on throughout the summer. To see the results in one final splash of color ~ and then to release it such that a space is created where something new can come into.
A new idea; a new project — or even just a new sense of something that, at least at this point in time cannot quite be defined. A whisper in the back of your mind, as yet too softly to be heard — but definitely there...
This makes this time of the year I would like to invite you to ask yourself two questions:
- What are the things in my life I can now let go of?
- What new things would I desire to have in my life?
And don’t forget to go and enjoy this new season with all of its colors, the more earthy scents, and the soft light as it filters through the trees…
First published in 2011
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