Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Cleaning up, clearing out, and getting ready for new things…

As opposed to the proverbial spring-cleaning ~~~ the cleaning house after - or at the end of - the energy of winter; the clearing of the house of all the cobwebs, all the last little bits of old energy… so that we can truly get new things moving in the energy of the spring ~~~ it seems that this fall is motivating a lot of us to clean up and clear out all that is unneeded in our lives right now.

In part, this may have been brought on by the fact that we are not comfortable keeping our social calendars going to the same extend as before the Covid-19 pandemic. In other words, we are more at home than we would have envisioned ourselves to be. And that in and of itself may give rise to (re)organizing our space into something that is suiting us better at this time.

But then again, there is always more than one reason for doing something - and as such, more than one reason for a certain energy to come into our lives at any given point in time.

And from that perspective, it raises the question why so many of us feel the need to clean up, and clear out all that is old… What are we creating the space for in our lives?

These new things are not apparent. After all, if we could envision - or even imagine - them already, in all likelihood we would be attempting to get them going already.

So clearly there is a certain (Universal) timing associated with whatever it is that is waiting for us just beyond the horizon…

And that makes it so important for us to expand our view.

To stop looking at something new as something that can never happen, because… To stop making excuses for not manifesting our innermost desires. To stop cutting off our own imagination as to how wonderful our life can become, once the newness is supported by the Universal energies…

To place ourselves in a position in which we can embrace the new things life has in store for us… whether we can envision them already, or whether they are still hiding just beyond the horizon.

In doing so, chances are that when the new things are revealed to us, we will actually recognize they are there. With an expanded view, it will be easier for us to allow these new things to unfold into our lives - even when we never even dared dream of them before…

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