Tuesday, March 2, 2021

A New Melody

Even though the pandemic seems far from over, and out thoughts may seem more focused on how we can healthy ourselves, right now — rather than looking at our personal path through life, or setting new goals; or even embarking upon new adventures… There does seem to be a new melody emerging…

Have you noticed that as well? That there seems to be a new vibration, perhaps even a new rhythm to the energy? 

Very subtly changes seem to be creeping in ~ pushing aside the old and bringing the new forward.

Suddenly, without even thinking twice about it, we may find ourselves making decisions that we have been pushing aside for a long time. Or we start being more active, or perhaps taking more time to smell the roses. It is almost as if these changes come from a place deep down inside ourselves with hardly any logical thought involved at all.

And bit by bit as we allow these changes to take place, we are building a new structure for ourselves. We are permitting a new rhythm to emerge. A new rhythm to do our chores, a new rhythm to do our job, a new rhythm to our times of rest. In short a new rhythm to our lives! And that new rhythm sets us up to do new things ~ perhaps even the things we always wanted to do (but never did).

As it is with changes in energy ~ it is up to us how we handle them. Whether we jump in with both feet and enjoy the new energies as a new adventure on our path. Or whether we fight the changes until we can no longer deny them and have to deal with them one way or another.

So, some may heave a sigh of relief that this new rhythm is finally here, while to others it feels like an upset to their energies, to their lives as ever so steadily the newness takes over and perhaps even demands newness in us.

New lines of thought. New directions. New ways of life.

Chances are these changes are here to stay and it is up to us to feel their vibration, to notice their rhythm and to find the melody that bridges that rhythm to our personal lives and our individual paths...

That new melody may well be written in a new scale, and therefore be dis-harmonic to our ears at first. After a while though, when the new rhythm and new melody merge more fully ~ we may find ourselves dancing a new dance.

Getting used to the new melody and the new dance, we may step on some toes... In return we may find that others as they are getting used to their new melodies, trample our toes...

Yet pretty soon we will get the hang of it and can fully enjoy the freedom of this new music and the new dance.

I can feel the new vibration, the new rhythm...

And I am listening for that new melody…

First published in June 2013.


  1. Love your newsletter. I feel the change in energy too and it is refreshing.

  2. I'm feeling it some myself and I'm open to it. I feel more tolerant in general of others but I also recognize my own angers about things. In Buddhist meditations it is taught to watch our thoughts from a neutral point of view as they flit by even when some of them cause emotional risings. Best to let them float away and say to myself, Next.
