Saturday, August 21, 2021

The Cosmic Baseball Bat

There was a time — a long time ago — when someone told me that when the Universe has a message for us — for instance because we are making choices that, in one way or another, take us away from your chosen path — it will in all likelihood first gently tap us on the shoulder. If we fail to notice this, the Universe may progress to sticking us with a cocktail pick… Annoying perhaps, but by no means painful. And after all, it is just a way to get our attention. To get us to listen to this message that apparently is quite important to us.

If we are still not paying attention, and when the message is important enough, chances are that the “attention getter” is being ramped up from there, until finally we find ourselves being hit by the proverbial “Cosmic Baseball Bat”.

And that, then, usually will get our attention…

The next step is to figure out what the important message entails. In other words, what you have to do to get back on your path — and perhaps even to get an understanding of how you have come to make these decisions that took you away from your path in the first place…

Now, when I set out to ride my bike, enjoying the sunshine, nature, and the prospect of meeting with friends — none of this was on my mind… And while I may have had a somewhat nagging feeling of something being not quite the way it should be, or perhaps a semi-conscious thought of something that wasn’t quite right… My focus was well and truly on enjoying the day as it unfolded.

And then, as I almost got to where I wished to go, it hit me… The Cosmic Baseball Bat…

Listen! You know. And you know you know… Now act accordingly!!

It got my attention. I am listening…

And with that, insights are beginning to surface. And as they do, I can suddenly see how the puzzle pieces all fit together. And before long the picture emerges that has been eluding me for so long… It is not unexpected. It is not hard to bring into being. It is even easy to see how everything is fitting together — now that I actually see the picture — into one image.

Imagine that!

Now, while everything has turned out for the best, I truly intent to — next time the Universe has a message for me — to pick up on the gentle tap on the shoulder… To pay attention right away, and to change direction well before I would get hit by the Cosmic Baseball Bat…

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