Sunday, April 3, 2022

Inner Reflections

If we start from the premiss that we are first and foremost responsible for our own path through life, our own actions, communications, and thoughts, our own beliefs, and our own attitudes — then whatever happens in the world that touches us is a reflection of something inside ourselves…

At first glance this seems to place us in a perspective that is somewhat far fetched. 

After all, how can a war on a different continent in some far away Country be a reflection of something — a thought, an attitude, a belief — that is inside ourselves? Even if we are touched by the horror of it, and feel a great sense of compassion toward the victims…

But then again, it is not necessary the scale of events, yet more the energy of the events that is reflected. We may have been angry with the neighbors as they permit their dog to keep on barking endlessly… we may even have yelled at the dog and/or its owners. An action born out of frustration which exploded into an angry shout…

It is a perspective that says that when somebody ruffles our feathers, it is a reflection of something inside ourselves that we may feel a little bit uneasy about. Something we wish we would handle differently in our lives.

By the same token, when somebody would be angry at us, there might be part of ourselves that we are frustrated with. Whether it is about something that has happened to us long time ago that we are still not in balance with, or rather the way we present ourselves, or perhaps the way we fail to stand up for ourselves when it matters… In each and every case there is something going on inside ourselves that deserves a fresh look.

And taking an honest look at the things we wish we would do differently will then benefit us on many levels.

It will help us place situations and events in our lives in a proper perspective. It may bring the realization that while we could not stand up for ourselves effectively when we were young children, now, being adults, it is a different matter. And therefore, the situations that made us feel insecure — or may have been dangerous to us as a child — can be handled differently.

And it is those inner reflections that, when looked at, and placed into a new perspective, can benefit us enormously as it offers us a way to use our own power to better our situation.

And chances are that when we change our inner selves — our thoughts, our attitudes, and our beliefs — the inner reflections are bound to become more and more positive, and ultimately will have a positive effect on events happening in the world we live in.

First published January 19, 2016

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