Monday, June 13, 2022

Mindfulness — What the mind is full of…

“The quality or state, of being conscious or aware of something happening in this moment.”

Yet, mindfulness is perhaps more often seen at this point in time as:

A mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one's feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations.

As such, it is a method of detaching from the "hustle and bustle”, to the point of observing what is happening — without and within — while having no need to be part of what is happening, or even interact with it.

Therefore, when practicing mindfulness on a regular basis, a state of being can be reached in which we are aware of what is happening around us, yet we only choose to interact with whatever is happening within our own realm of influence — therefore more and more being in a position in which we can truly create our own experiences in life…

A step on the road to get there, is to check every once in a while what our minds are full of…

Are we truly just observing what is going on? In other words, is the calmness we project a reflection of our inner calmness?

Or do we look calm on the outside, while engaging in a conversation within ourselves in which we comment on what is happening, formulate opinions on who is doing what, and why, and perhaps even judging all that we see happening around us?

If our mind if filled with opinions, or judgements, on things that are happening in the world — perhaps even in areas, or on topics that are well outside of our realm of influence — we may find it hard to find (and let alone focus on) the good things in our lives. The things that work for us, that make us happy. Those things that bring the calm contentment in our lives that “there is enough”.

That we are enough.

In a sense, then, it is important of seeing the goodness in our lives, while still being fully aware of things that are negative, yet choosing to not interact with that negativity…

Just send it Light, and Love, and Healing… And move on with our own lives…

Like many things, it sounds a lot easier than is.

We probably all can reach a state of being calm in meditation, while walking in nature, or working on our favorite project (whatever that is). It is a lot harder to maintain that same state of being calm when watching the news or reading the newspapers.

The good news is that when we slip out of our state of being calm, we are still a good person! And being aware of it makes it easier to take a deep breath, observe what just happened, and move forward on our own path in the realization that we have just made a giant leap in our personal growth!

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