What if your life — the way you have always lived it — stopped? Nothing as dramatic as passing over; not even as traumatic as losing your job or home... But just the realization that the things you have always been doing are not gaining the same result anymore — and that this change has come suddenly...
Would you jump at the chance to reinvent your life; to reinvent yourself?
Or would you keep trying to make it work the way it has always worked before?
It seems that this is the very question many people find themselves faced with at this point in time.
It may have started with a couple of little things. Things that all of a sudden can fluster you where before they would have never upset you at all. Or the realization that just watching the news on TV can absolutely leave you drained of all energy. Perhaps even a sense that friends you have known for a long time just don’t understand you anymore...
When you feel like this is happening in your life, it is probably time to take a break — to take a moment to evaluate whether these are just isolated incidents, or if this change is also going on inside of you; in your energy. To see if maybe you are too busy. If you are taking time to take care of yourself instead of just making everybody around you happy. To explore what your priorities truly are at this point in time.
In all likelihood something like this happens to us several times in our lifetime. Those moments that come up and present us with the opportunity to change directions; to change our lives; to change ourselves...
As such, these are special moments.
Upsetting, yes — but also very precious.
Each of these occasions brings with it the possibility of creating a new life for ourselves; a new energy — inside and out.
The difficulty is that when a situation like that knocks on our door — we hardly ever have any idea as to what we want to do different. Where we want to change directions. How we want to turn out in our new energy; our new life.
It is hard to take positive, productive steps if you have no clue where you want them to lead you. And yet, it is often the only thing you can do; to take it step by step, and having the faith that each of these steps will bring you to the new life — which on some level you have been yearning for, for some time...
First published 1/31/2013
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