Every animal has its own unique quality by which it is known. For an animal that is our totem animal, this unique quality can then help us bridge our day-to-day world with the — unseen —spiritual world.
Then there are “power animals” that lend us their unique strengths or qualities for a specific task. For instance, if we find ourselves in a situation that requires a lot of physical strength, we may call on Bear to lend us a hand with its strength.
Another perspective on this is to look at what quality we would like to have strengthened within ourselves. And if that quality was also found in an animal — which animal would represent it best?
In all likelihood this would be a different animal than our totem animal. And it would not necessarily be the animal that would help us, but rather the unique quality of that animal is a quality that we have deep inside us and it would be beneficial to us to start using this quality more often, or more openly. The animal then, would be more of a witness to that quality in ourselves.
One could say that when we are using all of our talents, strengths and energies to the fullest, we are whole…
And it is nice to have an animal be the witness to that specific, innate quality of ourselves that we somehow have shelved up to now, yet it does bring up the fact how we have adapted to fit in.
Looking back there are any number of things that I knew to be true as a small child. But — certainly as a youngster — one should not talk about these things. One should be polite, logical, and if at all possible the picture perfect manifestation of our parents imagination.
And pretty soon we started behaving a certain way, speaking a certain way, and acting a certain way — all to fit in.
So what would happen if we would revert back to the person we knew we were when you came into this world?
We probably would still be polite and well behaved. We even might still fit in…
On the other hand, we may also move into a new direction, more guided by our senses, our gut-feel, our intuition… We could find that we would be less bothered by what other people think of us. And we are very likely to discover that we would stop making our choices based on the expectations of people around us.
If we would take this new direction, we could discover potentials and talents that had been there all along, dormant, somewhere hidden in the depths of ourselves… We could find that we have qualities we had never been aware of…
And we may find that being accompanied by an animal witness to bring those qualities and talents to the surface is a beneficial and fun thing to experience!
Perhaps it is time to start walking the wild side…
Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay