Now that bit by bit the “shelter in place” ordinances are opening up, it seems that the tension we may have felt over the past months is searching for a way to express itself. It is almost as if we have held our breath all this time, and now, finally, we are able to breathe again..
And taking a few deep, relaxing breaths will help us claim our personal space again, if not our very own energy. And even while we are still not allowed to come any closer than about 6 feet, on average we seem a bit more relaxed about it.
We are discovering that it is all about Being Aware.
About our awareness of our direct environment, the people around us, and an awareness of all the things that have changed. Perhaps being most aware of the changes inside ourselves…
Therefore this is a good point in time to truly become aware of ourselves, our lives. To become aware of the things we have done differently over the past couple of months. To become aware of the things we wish would be back in our lives again, and those things that we may have found we can do without quite easily. And maybe even become aware of a couple of things that we — secretly — have enjoyed during this time…
The more we are asking ourselves these kind of questions, the more we are placing ourselves in a position in which we are Being Aware, the greater our sense of balans with the situation will be — often extending itself into a sense of confidence toward the future.
Of course there are also places and situations in which the built up tension seems to explode. Where things are happening that should not be happening, things that every once in a while are just plain wrong. This can happen on a small scale, like in families where suddenly old tensions have come to the surface. But it can also be a situation where cultural differences that may have been tense for a very long time are coming out in the open for everyone to see in a big way…
Suddenly we are becoming aware that underneath our day to day lives a certain tension had been hiding. And now that we are aware of this, we may be able to help bring this to a peaceful solution. Perhaps just by holding the situation in Light. Or by being there for someone in need.
Just by Being Aware, we can help bring balance into our lives, our direct environment, and yes, into the world as a whole. By staying in this balanced point in which we are Being Aware, rather than getting involved with sometimes extreme polarities, we can help change the world.
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