We all have it; the ability to use good sense and sound judgement in practical matters. Whether we use it or not is a free will choice.
As such, there are always multiple solutions to any one situation, depending on how those involved in the situation perceive it. And while one solution may work better than another ~ common sense is always about the best solution for that person, in that situation, from their perspective.
So why don’t we use it more often?
Part of the answer may lie in the fact that in our world today we have rules for pretty much anything. We stop when the traffic lights are red, and move on as soon as they turn green again. Independent from other traffic being present or not. As it turns out, we are no longer looking whether there is traffic coming from other directions ~ all we are looking at is that red light ~ often with a good dose of impatience ~ almost willing it to turn green. And as soon as it does we start moving.
And it is not just in traffic that our ‘dos and don’ts’ are regulated. Almost every aspect of our lives has its rules about the things that are ‘done’; and often more importantly the things that are ‘not done’. As long as we are following these rules, we are safe. We are doing okay.
Another thing is that we can insure ourselves for those instances when the rules and regulations fail to protect us. We son’t have to look at our part in the situation… After all the rules and regulations are there for a reason ~ so if we are following them it cannot be our fault when something bad happens to us. And someone has to pay for that. Somehow we want ~ or even need ~ to be reimbursed for a situation turning sour ~ especially when it wasn’t our fault!
So it seems like we have replaced our own common sense with a set of rules and regulations ~ and then covered the risk with a package of insurances.
We have started to follow rules, rather than to think things through…
In all fairness, following traffic regulations absolutely makes good (common) sense.
However, it seems that when we start to ‘blindly follow the rules’; when we stop thinking about what is happening ~ we are no longer aware of the ramifications of our actions.
It is time to observe the ‘rules and regulations’ with a good bit of common sense…
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