Friday, May 25, 2018


According to the dictionary , the meaning of adversity is difficulties or misfortune. It is related to the latin word ‘advertere’ which means ‘turn toward’.

Often we are called to be resilient in the face of adversity. To build the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties. Or we find we need to face our demons.

The big question is; how do we do that?
Is it just a matter of inner strength? Will-power?
Does it take any kind of special attitude? Something special we need to do?

Perhaps it is more a matter of what we need not do.

In the face of adversity it seems that the worst thing we can do is to wallow in it. To let ourselves on a personal level be drawn down into it to the point that the difficulties or misfortune seem to grow to such extend that they become totally overwhelming.

If we are facing (perceived) adversity on a larger scale, for instance nationally, culturally, or even globally; perhaps the best thing we can do is to stay ourselves. To be the best person we can be, with the best attitude. To be calm and kind. To cultivate our inner peace.
We may not be able to solve any difficulties or change the situation at hand, yet we can control how we react to it. We may not like to have landed right in the middle of things, but rather than getting angry at the situation and pointing fingers at whomever we feel is at fault; we are probably better off taking a step back.
Literally putting distance between the difficulties and ourselves. Creating a space in which we can take a deep breath, and center ourselves in that inner point of calm.
This way we may not actually solving the situation right this very minute, but we are also not adding to the adversity in any way shape or form. And that is a good thing!

Ultimately our unique individuality and free will choice permit us to choose to either run with the crowd, or to let our calm, kind, peaceful Self shine…

If we run into some misfortune right in our own lives, we may find our best option is to go back to the old latin word ‘advertere’. To turn toward the adversity ~ to take the bull by the horns ~ and to solve whatever difficulty we encounter.
And while this is not always easy, chances are that we will gain the best results by using our own (inner) resources in order to get to that point where we can shine!

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