Friday, May 25, 2018

Why and how

We all have our reasons why we are doing the things we are doing; or at least why we want to do things in our lives. We want to make our lives better; and dependent on how we define ‘better’ we take steps in that direction. For instance, if ‘better’ means being in a better financial situation, our actions may be geared toward gaining more earnings, while a definition of ‘better’ that is leaning toward experiencing a less stressful environment may direct us to a simpler life with more free time.

And this is exactly where we run into trouble ‘making it happen’ for ourselves.

It is relatively easy to see what we perceive we need, desire, or even want in life, and why. What it has to offer to us. The way it would make our lives better than they are now.
The obstacle is all too often how we are going to get there.

So can the decision of creating greater earnings run into the thought that we are not qualified to get that better paying job. That we don’t have the money to pay for the education that would make us qualified for that job…
Or in creating a simpler life we cannot possibly see how we can get by on a smaller income than we currently have. It is a ‘catch 22’ we can’t make our life simpler, because we simply need what we have right now…
And suddenly we find the the path toward that which we want in life blocked by seemingly insurmountable obstacles.

It is an interesting ~ be it conditioned ~ line of thought that permits the ‘how we are able to get there’ kill the ‘why we want it’ every time.
Often because we are only seeing one path that will lead us to our goal; a logical path that, at least for the moment, seems unattainable to us.

And this very perspective then also provides us with the key to unlock this unfortunate ‘catch 22’.

If the real problem is that we are only seeing one way to get where we want to go, the solution is to simply ‘dream up’ at least five different way to get there; and perhaps even up to twenty-five manners in which we can achieve our desired goal.
Granted, in doing so some of the paths we come up with may be totally unrealistic. But others may not be that ‘far out’. The very least we are doing going through this process is that we create choices for ourselves. And having those choices we may suddenly become aware that the ‘why’ ~ the desires and needs we have ~ no longer are taken down by our limited thoughts on how to get there…

And that’s a good thing!

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