Friday, May 25, 2018

The Temple of our Soul

Most of us on a spiritual path are focused on reaching up. Reaching up to higher frequencies of energy, reaching up to our next step on our personal spiritual paths.
And that is a good thing!

The caveat is that the only way we can do this effectively is through first reaching inside ourselves…

It is all about an inner and an outer balance. The more we can balance ourselves ~ from a very physical perspective ~ the greater balance we can achieve as we reach up into the higher frequencies of energy.
After all, the body is the temple of the soul, and the greater our ownership of the temple, the farther the soul can soar.

The way we go about this is both individual as well as personal.
Some of us may make any kind of sports or fitness routine into our lives, where others may pay more attention to natural foods and a productive lifestyle from a health perspective. And both avenues will work ~ as well as the countless other ways we can imagine that will helps us balance ourselves both inside ourselves as well as in the high frequency energy realms…

And while this may sound logical to some, theoretical, or even somewhat complicated and unnecessary to others, ultimately it comes down to the acceptance of our bodies; of the temple of our soul. And with that acceptance comes ‘sensible maintenance’ of that temple.

This brings the food we eat into the picture, and yes, whichever way we choose to stay in shape from a physical perspective.

However, the very first things we should consider are totally normal, even obvious things like breathing, drinking enough water, and bringing down our stress levels. In other words, optimize the circumstances within ourselves for our body to function the way they were meant to function.
To start sensing what our body needs, and perhaps even questioning why we have a sudden craving for a particular food. Does that particular food offer our body a mineral or a vitamin that is needed? In that case it is probably a good idea to eat it. If, on the other hand the craving has more emotional roots, we may want to reconsider and take some time to see what is going on in our life that may have triggered the emotion.

Ultimately, we do have the ability to sense and work with all of the systems inside our body; to unblock it, to realign it, and to flow with the (high frequency) energy we are living in at this point in time. To own the Temple of our soul to such extend that we can direct an energy flow way before ‘real maintenance’ is needed, or a problem occurs…
And the bonus we get is a far easier path into the higher realms of (spiritual) energy as we encounter it on our individual personal paths.

So breathe deeply, drink water, and take time to smell the roses!

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