Friday, May 25, 2018


It seems like we are getting more cynical in the situation of today’s world. For most it is a pattern that allows us to cope with what is happening in the world ~ politically, economically, yet also personally.
As such, cynicism is one of those energies that has two sides to it ~ and not surprisingly so in this age of polarities…

On one side cynicism can stem from a certain sense of reality from the perspective that history has shown that as the world is moving along this particular path ~ again, be it political, economical, or personal ~ chances are slim the desired change for the better will manifest any time soon.
On the other hand, cynicism has an aspect of frustration, of irritation and even anger to it. Not just because we cannot see positive changes coming our way, but also because things are not going ‘our way’.

This then, can spark a whole different discussion.
After all, what is good and positive for one person, may not have the same ‘ring’ to it for another person. And vice versa. What is good and what is bad?

It is a struggle that humanity has had throughout its existence. Pretty much every culture has a story or a legend about the struggle between ‘good’ and ‘bad’. And we always desire for ‘good’ to win the battle.

There are different shades to both ‘good’ and ‘bad’.
There is the factual truth. But there is also personal ~ and even cultural ~ truth. There is positive intent. And when this ‘positive intent’ doesn’t quite work out as positively as it was intended, does that mean it is ‘bad’?
And then there is the All Wise Universe, which sets things in motion to affect a change that is needed for humanity as a whole. Things that can feel pretty ‘bad’ as they start happening…

Looking at those type of things with a healthy dose of reality ~ perhaps even asking ourselves what that means for our personal lives where we do have the ability to influence what is happening ~ most likely is a good thing.
However, if our cynicism is comes from an attitude that ‘things are not going our way’, we may wish to reconsider. We may want to ask ourselves whether we are as strongly anchored in reality as we think we are, and examine what exactly it is that we may be irritated or frustrated about. In the world as a whole as well as in our own lives…

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